Hi! Hola! My name is KC Contessa! I'm a baby female Applehead Chihuahua puppy born 02/12/2011. Right now I'm a beefy 2.5 pounds and stand 1 hand tall. I'm mostly black with some tan here and there with a spash of white on my chest. Though I share my house with my new brother Jake, I rule this roost. Every day is something new or different or both to me. My friend David his wife Nikki and I thought we'd share some thoughts and experiences along the way as I grow up and go through life. Some funny things, some sad things, and some things that make me cock my head and go HUH???

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Life is So Tough

It was time to eat when I had to go yesterday, I heard mom and grandma talking about when grandma had her and how there was 5 of them! I can't imagine that especially at dinner time. Since we still feed from mommy, can you picture 5 tryin to get to her WOW it'd get mighty pushy at times but just me and my sister it's okay. After eating me and my sister usually play for awhile but every once in awhile I catch this thing out in the corner of my eye that follows me alot. I try to snap at it sometimes but it' like it knows what I'm thinking and always jumps away...alot of times I spin round and round and round and round but it's always just a little faster and gets away. Mom, dad, grandma, and my peoples sure think its funny when I try to catch it. Grandma once called it a "tail" and said she gave up chasing it long ago, dad will almost fall off the couch he laughs so hard! Psshhh, I'd like to see him catch one but I'd never ever say that to him. My favorite game is Tug-A-War but I'm usually exhausted after we play that for awhile. Then again I'm tired alot and take alot of naps. Life sure is hard work I get up in the morning and mom licks me for awhile. then I eat with mom, then me and mom play for awhile. Then it's nap time for an hour. Then I get up and play with sis and then talk to grandma and grandma licks me for awhile. Then I take a nap for an hour. Next I start to get a funny feeling in my tummy and sometimes my behind too. I know that there is stuff inside me that wants to come out but it's getting harder to hide it from the peoples cause they aren't very happy when they find it, I can tell you that! But being a lady, that's all I got to say about that. After that I usually take a nap. In the afternoon I like to sit by the window, it's warm there. Sometimes one of the peoples will come and either play with me or let me lay on them and take a nap. From there I usually wander around the house to see what I can find. I see stuff nobody else does. Stuff like crumbs, and bugs and sometime there still alive even. From there I usually (all together now) take a nap! Now all this talk about naps has really made me tired, I think I'll go get a nap................byeeeeeeeeee for now!! KC

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