Well I'm 9 weeks old now but I'll just turn back time a little and at least tell you about the highlights up to now. First was a really special day cause I arrived! Tough day for me I'll tell you. All I was tryin to do was come out and see what all the voices were about while I was still in mom's tummy and she just kept pushin me back....humph. But finally after me pushing back for a really really really long time (I was getting soooooooo tired) I finally won....YEAHHHHHHH me. Boy oh boy was it ever cold. I started shakin and shivering until suddenly I felt something grab me and lift me up really high and start rubbing on me with this soft thing they called a towel. I found out later that it was a "people" that did it. I really like people for all kinds of reasons but I'll talk about that more later. By the time I was warm the people had me all clean and pretty (I think cause I couldn't open my eyes yet) but I was tooooooo tired.
The next day was a little disappointing cause I still heard a bunch of voices but couldn't see anything still. It sure was nice stretching my legs though! I walked almost 10 feet today.........WOW that was HUGE.
After a little while my eyes finally started to open and the things I saw were amaaaaazing. First was my momma! Momma is a purebred Chihuahua. She is soooo pretty. She licks and licks me till I think she might lick the fur right off me she licked me so much. I'll be glad when I grow up and I can run faster than she can....she always catches me and grabs me by the neck and takes me wherever SHE wants......but I still love her with all my heart cause she knows whats best for me. Next I saw my sister. She is beeeauuuutiful just like me! She does look a little different than I do. I guess God probably did that on purpose so Mom can remember who she did what to, I mean with all that licking and feeding, and corralling, and all that other stuff Moms do.
Welp gotta go for now it's time to go outside.....whatta blast that is but more on that later.
Hi! Hola! My name is KC Contessa! I'm a baby female Applehead Chihuahua puppy born 02/12/2011. Right now I'm a beefy 2.5 pounds and stand 1 hand tall. I'm mostly black with some tan here and there with a spash of white on my chest. Though I share my house with my new brother Jake, I rule this roost. Every day is something new or different or both to me. My friend David his wife Nikki and I thought we'd share some thoughts and experiences along the way as I grow up and go through life. Some funny things, some sad things, and some things that make me cock my head and go HUH???
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