Hi! Hola! My name is KC Contessa! I'm a baby female Applehead Chihuahua puppy born 02/12/2011. Right now I'm a beefy 2.5 pounds and stand 1 hand tall. I'm mostly black with some tan here and there with a spash of white on my chest. Though I share my house with my new brother Jake, I rule this roost. Every day is something new or different or both to me. My friend David his wife Nikki and I thought we'd share some thoughts and experiences along the way as I grow up and go through life. Some funny things, some sad things, and some things that make me cock my head and go HUH???

Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's Got To Be The Morning After

With everything that happened yesterday, we've all just been running around like zombies today. All of us still thinking about my sister...wondering if she's okay, wondering if she's happy at her new home, wondering if she's thinking about us at all. Just makes me start crying again. I really miss her. It's not fair, the ones you love should stay alive forever and be with you always....right?!?! Grandma told me that no matter what... the ones that touch our lives ARE with us forever. They're in our hearts and in our memories and that's the forever part. But I told her that I won't ever holds her again when she is bummerfied...I won't ever run circles around her again cause I am faster....I won't ever lay my head on her again when we fall asleep. Grandma said "no but if you close your eyes and try really, really, really hard, for a moment you just might feel what if felt like to be there again". Grandma also said that sis would want me to make the most of every day even if it is without her.
How do you suppose Grandmas get so smart anyways??!! I think it's one of those grown up mystery secrets they have.

Byeee for now! KC

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