Hi! Hola! My name is KC Contessa! I'm a baby female Applehead Chihuahua puppy born 02/12/2011. Right now I'm a beefy 2.5 pounds and stand 1 hand tall. I'm mostly black with some tan here and there with a spash of white on my chest. Though I share my house with my new brother Jake, I rule this roost. Every day is something new or different or both to me. My friend David his wife Nikki and I thought we'd share some thoughts and experiences along the way as I grow up and go through life. Some funny things, some sad things, and some things that make me cock my head and go HUH???

Sunday, April 17, 2011

So Much To See and Do

Hi again!
I thought we'd just keep goin from yesterday. There is sooooooo much to tell that it's hard to know where to start and where to stop. It's just like when I run. Sometimes I go so fast that my rear end tries to pass my head and goes up in the air and I do a somersault. Sure does make my people laugh! Anyways; I was talking bout my sister. She's a lot like me but different. Like she plays HARD. We play and play and after awhile when I try to stop and rest for a second, here she comes running full speed and runs me over and as she does she bites whatever she can get ahold of as she goes by. She is really fast too. Sometimes I jump in the way and we both go tumblin out onto the floor.
The next thing I got to see was my dad. He was just standing there lookin like a king, standing all upright with his chest poking out. Mom said he was just real proud cause he got 2 beeeutiful daughters! Dad really doesn't pay alot of attention to us. He has important dad stuff to do like.....ummmmm.....barking when ever he hears a strange noise or when people come and knock on the door, cleaning himself and us sometimes! He loves us though, I can tell. Next I got to see grandma. Grandma is really smart but she is really slow. I get in trouble for running around her sometimes. She helps keep us clean too sometimes. I guess mom's tongue must get pretty tired cause she sure gets alot of cleaning help...we must be the cleanest puppies ever!
Next I saw all my peoples. There's Kelvin (the dad), Crystal (the mom) and their 2 people puppies Skye and Brandi. I reeealy like them cause they do so much stuff with me. Like carry me places so I don't have to run there....with my little legs it takes forever and I get so tired. They must be Chefs too cause all the stuff they give me is sooooo delicious, not like my food. I also like to bite their hair...it's really long and lots of fun.
Well I guess that's it for now. mom is laying down so it's time to eat! Catch you next time. i'm gonna try to do this each day but during the week is gonna be tuff so we'll see.

Byeeeeeeee for now! KC

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